

101 West Grand
Suite 200
Chicago, Illinois 60654
Call Nancy at (312) 925-8067
Call Lisa at (312) 890-1403

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Empower Your Board

Leadership in Action

Empowered, your leadership is your greatest advocate and the key to achieving fundraising success.

We will help you attract new board members and harness their time, skills, and passion.

As your partners, we explore various board fundraising models, develop your board’s role as ambassadors, bring new approaches to inspire a commitment to fundraising, strengthen accountability and foster a culture of collaboration.

Boost Confidence and Skills

Board Training Sessions

We believe in the power of hands-on, real world learning. Our board development trainings encourage individual board members’ creativity and inspire them to become your strongest advocates. Through our signature elevator pitch workshops and scenario role-playing, we boost confidence and skills, and have a great time!

Lisa and Nancy discussing a strategy
Forest Preserve Foundation Conservation Workers
Case Study

Forest Preserve Foundation

The Forest Preserve Foundation enlisted our expertise to energize board recruitment and guide the board in working as a team to identify new prospective donors and boost donor outreach initiatives.

Stellar Reputation

Just Cause has a stellar reputation. Their outstanding work with the Forest Preserve Foundation confirmed my commitment to serve the board. That confidence was well-placed. Their guidance has helped us significantly grow our fundraising capacity.

Tom Lanctot Board Member, Forest Preserve Foundation